The 268th Signal Company Softball Team... the Goats!
Front (L-R) Mike Hardin, Kenneth Jones, Ken Wycoff, John Viau, Chris Murdoch, Mike Easton, Aubrey Russell
Back (L-R) Brian Pollock, Sherman Nelson, Scott Lance, Mike Farmer, Eddie Rigdon, Bill Stevenson, Brent Bingley
Gary Beach (left) is bid farewell by former team chief Robert Kerwood and the rest of the company
John Viau (right) gets a hearty congratulatory farewell from former team chief Paul Dockter
CPT Trena Jones, then commander of 268th, is carted off on a stretcher during the commander's litter race at Battalion Organizational Day, July 1998.
Pull! Pull! A victorious 268th at Tug of War, Battalion Organzational Day 1998.
Me with Danielle Reed at the 1998 Signal Ball in Heidelberg.
At our Battalion Harvest Ball '99:
(Standing) Chris Wells, Monte Chambers, Napoleon Cooper
(Kneeling) Aaron Cones, Thomas Bradley